I’m a fan of JFK, gone now nearly 60 years, but whose wisdom survives the ages:
“Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.”
An on the other subject, public schools seem to have systematically eliminated shop class, art class, and in many cases even music class…all in pursuit of testing to state set academic standards. What a shame. :-(
I turn to John F. Kennedy once again:
“As a great democratic society, we have a special responsibility to the arts. For art is the great democrat, calling forth creative genius from every sector of society, disregarding race or religion or wealth or color…I see of little more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than the full recognition of the place of the artist.”
Great stuff! I’ll read both the AI articles.
I’m a fan of JFK, gone now nearly 60 years, but whose wisdom survives the ages:
“Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.”
An on the other subject, public schools seem to have systematically eliminated shop class, art class, and in many cases even music class…all in pursuit of testing to state set academic standards. What a shame. :-(
I turn to John F. Kennedy once again:
“As a great democratic society, we have a special responsibility to the arts. For art is the great democrat, calling forth creative genius from every sector of society, disregarding race or religion or wealth or color…I see of little more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than the full recognition of the place of the artist.”