It is very true but I did not know it for years! I would walk into the wood shop with a feeling that it needed to be cleansed so would start putting tools back on hanger where they needed to be, putting scraps of wood iin the fire box or storage Ben then I would come across a block or slab of wood that wood stick in my mine. All the time getting every Speck of dust from the shop, all the time think about afucture project with that pice of wood. A tray or bowl or box. Not for to fill a need but just to make heck I was in a clean work space. And that could never be. So the mess began. But I was happy once again working on some thing to give or use

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Thanks, for sharing. The making is what it’s all about.

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John my friend, when I was young on those few occasions when I would get sick my Mom would organize my room and do some superficial cleaning as I lay there in bed. I swear it made me feel better and to this day when I don't feel well I do my best to pick up the clutter before I go down. All the best, Nicky

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What a personal account. Imparting order in a chaotic world can definitely be healing. And moms are the best. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi John,

The photo you chose to illustrate the theme of this engaging thought piece is certainly one of which Georgia O’Keefe would be proud. I might change its title, though, from “Upsplash” to “Hot Mess”...unless, of course, you wanted to keep it clean. ;-)



Fellow OCD

(Overt Cleanliness Devotee)

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Thanks, Cliff!

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