Imagine, tinker, build - all things maker. J ROBERT CLARK - Makes is the newsletter for makers, DIYers, and anyone interested in how making makes the world better. Here you’ll find ideas, tips, tricks, and philosophical musings on creating.
More about me:
I work as a writer and maker, generating stories around my passion for creating. Turning my thoughts into words helps me to explore facts, concepts, and beliefs. And making tangible objects in my shop rounds out my creative drive.
My newsletter includes twice-weekly posts on making, DIY, how-to, and the philosophy of creating. And I'm writing and making all kinds of stuff behind the scenes that I share from time to time.
My goal is to create stories and things that are informative and fun.
Want access to all? Ready for the inside scoop? There's no obligation. Subscriptions start at just $5/month and you can cancel at any time. There's even a free option where you'll get my Friday stories delivered right to your inbox.
Subscribers get all the free stuff plus Monday stories, access to my monthly v-newsletter (on YouTube), and other occasional exclusives.
Thank you for being here. I appreciate you and your interest in making.
J ROBERT CLARK is on YouTube! Read here. Watch there.
And visit my full site at JROBERTCLARK.COM.