Update on the Boba Fett costume
It was for my son for Halloween last year, but he wore it again recently!
I forgot to share pics of this costume once completed, so for today’s story, here are a couple of pictures of my son all dressed up, not for Halloween, but instead for a “May the Forth” event at our local library!
There were several cosplayers there in screen-worthy costumes, so it was great fun for him to be part of the fun. The two Mandalorians posing with him were so excited to see him in his costume.
Here they are in a second full-body pic.
The professional costumes were very good, but I was happy to see ours didn’t look half bad beside them. I will say that my son has grown quite a bit since October, so the chest plate is now way too small. (But he still has room to grow into that huge helmet!)
What follows is the story from last October on the build.
Note: I mention being sick in this story. We had covid at the time, but I had to power through for Halloween. It was worth it.
Halloween costume update
First published October 28th, 2022
As you'd expect, being sick has thrown a wrench in all the plans; writing, making, teaching (more on that later), and costume design/build have all suffered. But I have an admiring son who expects me to pull off a unique costume for Halloween this year, so I've sucked it up (literally - I'm sucking more snot than you care to know), and have been busy in the shop making.
I'll share more on this build later, but it's an entirely from-scratch costume mainly using EVA foam. It's the material and method used by many of those fancy cosplayers. Time is at a premium, so this design won't be quite convention-worthy. But I expect my son will love it, and we'll have a great time walking the neighborhood on Halloween night.
Have a look and let me know if you recognize it. Yes, the helmet will be big on him (I should have scaled it down way more). But he'll be adorable, even if not as intimidating as that much-feared galactic bounty hunter.
Until next time.
P.S.: For those interested, I’m using a helmet pattern developed by Punished Props Academy on YouTube. It’s a great intro to using EVA foam for cosplay designs. I highly recommend checking it out.
Amazing !
What fun to have a second opportunity to go forth with that wonderful costume!
May the Fourth always be with you. :-)