Unplanned Holiday Events
Things rarely go according to plan - but that's life
My plans this week have changed quite a bit. Due to a few unexpected family challenges, I've had to rethink my shop time to compensate for some lost hours. But honestly, I have little to complain about - it's Christmas, and I'm in my shop making! Still, it's a struggle, especially for many others. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, know you are in my thoughts. I hope you are safe and warm and with those you love. ~JRC
If you're traveling somewhere for the holidays right now, chances are you're experiencing some difficulty. The weather is dire in many parts of the US, with sub-freezing temperatures, wind, snow, and ice affecting much of the country just as travelers have hit the roads and skies. I'm sorry if you're one of the thousands stranded or delayed somewhere you didn't expect to be.
Life has a way of doing that, as we all know too well.
For me, I am working on several last-minute Christmas gifts, and I needed time to give the detail work the justice it deserves. But time is one of many things in short supply this season, so I have been making do with what time I have - and accepting less-than-perfect a bit more than my perfectionist tendencies typically allow. Sure, I could have started earlier, but there wasn't exactly time before, either.
As I said, life has a way of doing that.
Between all the expected events - working, parenting, eating, sleeping - there are those occurrences that throw everything into disarray. And it's easy to start feeling down about it all.
My minor personal grievances aside, I'm fine. I'm happy it's Christmas time, and I love making things, even in a pinch. My son is happy too and very excited, and that’s the single most important thing to me. But I am worried for some other people I know; things are way - way - harder for them. I can see it in their eyes, hear it in their voices, and feel it coming from their hearts.
To be sure, life is made difficult, some by our own doing. And we must own our mistakes and make right where we can. But many difficulties manifest out of the random chaos of the universe, like bomb cyclones right before a flight routed through O'hare.
Sometimes all we can do is hunker down and weather the storm.
Back in the shop this morning, I looked at all the work ahead. Yes, it's a lot. But it's all voluntary. Paid work for the year is mainly done, and aside from daily tasks and a little planning for 2023, I am on holiday break. Essentially, none of the "work" I must do is essential. None of it is vital to living.
But making in the shop, as I've shared many times, helps me manage. It helps me navigate all the other unknowns that seem to come out of the blue. So I keep at it because it keeps me busy and as happy as I can be, despite the unexpected. And ideally, the work I'm doing now will help others feel a bit better too.
I hope you have a healthy escape as I do, no matter your holiday plans. Perhaps it's a good book while stranded at the airport, a trusted family member or friend you can confide in, or your own shop where you can go and make a better today, no matter what today may bring. Make time to make some holiday joy for those you love, and yourself.
Best wishes, everyone. And Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas John. Thanks for all your inspiration this year!
Such a great article and reminder on a cold and blustery -7* day in Bethel, Ohio! Yes, our plans can change at any given moment and we can make memories or wallow in our disappointment. Enjoy “making” in your workshop and I will read a new book and bake some cookies to (eventually!) share.
Thank you for sharing.
Stay safe and warm.
Merry Christmas!
Sharee Manning