My Monday stories are usually reserved for paying subscribers. But I appreciate all of you, no matter how you subscribe to Science-Fiction-Create. Thank you for being here. ~JRC
As a writer and maker, I’ve had to work hard at self-promotion. It feels egotistical at times; this job is all about what I create. When I share my stories and maker projects, I ask you to indulge in "me."
To be honest, it goes against my nature. Some creators thrive on self-promotion, and that's fine. But I navigate a region between introverted hermit and extroverted salesman. It's never easy to beat my own drum. So it means the world to me when you and others take notice.
For this, I want to share how grateful I am.
Saying thanks seems easy. But doing it well, often enough, and at the right time - these can be elusive. Fortunately, I have a role model.
At eight years old, my son is an expert at thank you. He genuinely dispenses appreciation. Yes, his mom and I taught him to show it. And our parents before us did the same. But it's more than simple words. And he gets that.
Gratitude is a learned behavior that requires speaking from the heart. I see this in my son. He’s an empathetic little soul and that gives me hope.
It also reminds me to be gracious every day.
Last week's SciFiCreate YouTube premiere illustrated how fortunate I am. Yeah, it's great that I have all those cool tools - but that's not what I mean! No, I'm talking about all the kind people in my corner, cheering me on.
It's a reason to keep doing what I do.
My family has really been there. I’m lucky to have parents and siblings that care. Mom and Pop have even joined several online social networks just to follow me. That’s genuine support, folks.
And family for me doesn't end with mom, dad, sisters, and brother. Several aunts, uncles, and cousins are there for me too. Heck, even my ex-wife and her mom are in my top-tier of supporters. How's that for family?!
I am fortunate. And grateful.
Friends have been there too. Many of these might as well be blood because it sure feels that way. I trust you know who you are.
An old pal from childhood. A college buddy. My first kiss. An old flame. My brother from another mother. A new friendship that feels as old as time itself. And a second mom and a few father figures. Even the rare colleague-turned-friend that survived my dramatic career change.
You are all here, rooting me on.
What fortune.
And then there are those I've met online.
Yes, I'm saying thank you to my Twitter friends. Speak what you want about the evils of social media. But good things do come of it too.
These people I've never met in person, and yet I feel a deep bond. True friends? Some studies suggest yes. Many of my virtual buddies show up for my online events knowing that it matters to me. If that's not a hallmark of friendship, I don't know what is.
Thanks for being here and for supporting me as I create, my Twitter pals.
Finally, I must acknowledge the growing number of you I don't know at all. Despite being strangers, you've followed and subscribed anyway. I must assume you like what you see. What an honor this is to have your interest.
I work to improve and expand Science-Fiction-Create to validate your commitment to my work.
Thank you.
Whatever comes next, I will never forget what all of you have done for me.
And if this implodes tomorrow, I will still appreciate you.
But if I succeed? Well then, I will have made it because of you.
Until next time. Science. Fiction. Create.
Well said.
Perfect definition of Gratitude, Love it !!