Dear readers - I’m in a making frenzy right now, and there’s a lot of dust and detritus about. In a good way, of course. For these are the remains of a job underway, not a project delayed. Still - it’s a bit chaotic, and jumping in on various stages of a build requires the right mindset. Especially when the work is challenging. These days I consciously employ a number of tricks mentioned in the story that follows. They work the get me going, and perhaps they work for you too. Have a trick to get started with your own projects? Please let me know in the comments. ~JRC
Make something already!
A short rant on getting started
First published June 3rd, 2022
I have this terrible affliction. Or afflictions, if I’m being honest. First, I loathe being told what to do. But who doesn’t, am I right?
And second, if something is work - no matter how fun - I often drag my feet getting started. Aware of these, I made some changes a few years ago. And some of it has worked, and some takes more work.
As a self-employed freelancer, I've simultaneously addressed and amplified this pair of demons. Basically, I get to chart my own days and forge a career around what I love, but I have to overcome the blockades that stall my progress. Yes, work is great now. Really great. But I still delay starting, if only because what used to be plain fun, I now call “work.”
My pain is all a mental game, of course. It's about dealing with the hangups to overcome and do what needs to be done. Often I make it hard and keep stalling. But this solves nothing. No, I need to get going to keep going. And I’ve learned a little trick to get me moving.
I have to make something to make anything else.
It's a bit trite to say so, but the only way to get started is to start. Anything. One need not begin the work ahead - but creating is a must. The great thing is that almost any activity will do, no matter how mundane.
The easiest is to clean up a workspace. I do this often for a big project ahead. I know, not super creative. Or is it?
Cleaning is refinement - cleaning surfaces smooth out the textures in our daily lives. It's much like finish work on a sculpting or woodworking project. So if I stall in the middle of something, I will stop what I am doing and organize - or even dust for a while - just getting a space readied works wonders.
Occasionally, kick-starting the work needs something more, something conspicuously creative to create the work ahead. For me, I'll do a little sketching. Or I'll tinker with my electronics side projects. It doesn't matter what one makes, so long as it’s something.
I find it intriguing how this works.
It's as if the brain needs a jump start to get in the right mindset. Like that creative nugget inside us is a cold engine with a hard start and rough idle. It needs a jump and a warm-up, but once it's there, it is ready to go.
So, can you relate? Is this familiar? Or are you one of those "pre-crastinating" types who is always ready to jump in and start?
If the latter, I envy you. Only a bit, however. Envy makes me ruminate and stall further, so I can’t do it for long. No, I have things to make. And I expect you do too.
So make something already!