By most accounts, the world is a crazy place. And it keeps getting crazier. For those willing to doom scroll through the chaos and heartache, there are countless sources for all the bad news one can stomach. This newsletter is not that.
Instead, I've tried to create an optimistic platform on a uniquely human subject - the power to make. Stories here focus on our collective passion for creating, often centered on my projects but also those of others, plus random philosophizing on why we make things. This is a newsletter about heart and why we put ours into tangible creations that we share with each other.
Yes, I've occasionally wandered into melancholic territory when the world's weight is too heavy. But by and large, I've kept this a place for the simple pleasures of creativity. I leave out the drama. Casting shade on others is not my thing. Instead, I make. And write about it here.
Whatever the new week brings, good or bad, I hope you know when you open letters from me, you'll find a positive story, one I hope will make your day a little brighter.
From all the feedback I've received from you, it feels like I've hit the mark, at least in part. It's fun to see what stories touch readers and in what way. Your messages, both in the comments section and in private notes, always leave me honored you took the time to share. And even if I don't hear from you, I know you're here reading along each week, which makes me happy.
Thank you for reading, and a special thanks to all who've signed up as paid subscribers to keep this thing rolling. This last year has been a real doozie, but sharing this newsletter with you has kept me going in many ways. I hope it helps you in some small way, too. Your support has made all the difference, whether financially or in spirit.
Here's to the year ahead.
Together, let's MAKE it a great one.
Thank you, John, for bringing interesting and positive writing to our lives. I may not comment on e very post, and I've been known to skip a few weeks and then binge on them all. But I do read them and look forward to the next one.
Have a wonderful, productive, inventive, "making" 2024.
Definitely making this my primary resolution for 2024!